pittore autodidatta con una lunga e prestigiosa carriera artistica. La sua città natale fra le più belle del Mediterraneo, è un luogo nel quale l’arte si respira e si ammira ad ogni angolo di strada, un museo all’aperto, dove il mare fa da cornice a questa meravigliosa terra in cui si sono susseguite le più importanti civiltà mediterranee.
Questa atmosfera mediterranea si coglie spesso nelle opere dell’artista, in modo immediato e colpisce a una prima lettura dell’opera. Fin da piccolo amava aggirarsi e scrutare tra i reperti archeologici che il papà e lo zio restauravano; era incuriosito dal fratello che, a quel tempo, muoveva i primi passi verso l’arte pittorica dalla quale lui stesso era molto affascinato.
Dopo il diploma, conseguito presso l’Istituto d’Arte di Siracusa, inizia il suo percorso artistico; nel 1973 realizza la sua prima mostra e, da quel momento, ne mette in atto molte altre tra collettive e personali. Ha ottenuto molteplici premi e riconoscimenti artistici. Pittore molto attivo, ha prodotto numerose opere; nelle sue tele ritrae la propria terra in un contesto fiabesco.
Chi osserva i suoi dipinti ha l’impressione di sfogliare un libro di fiabe, dal quale viene attratto per la narrazione poetica, per le forme e per i colori brillanti. “Pagina dopo pagina” si viene proiettati e coinvolti nel mondo visto da Claudio.
Le pennellate materiche e i forti contrasti tonali paiono congiurare per risucchiare l’anima del fruitore che si lascia avvolgere da quel mondo magico e reale al tempo stesso.
Biography EN – About
Claudio Schifano was born in Syracuse in 1953,
He is a amongst painter and has a long and eminent artistic career. His native town, amid the most beautiful in the Mediterranean, is a place where you can breathe and admire art at every street corner. An open museum where the sea is the frame of this amazing land which has seen the most important Mediterranean civilizations. This Mediterranean atmosphere is often seized in the artist’s work, instantaneous and it stuns during the first approach with the work.
Since he was a child, Claudio loved hanging about and searching among the archaeological finds that his father and uncle restored; he was intrigued by his brother that was making his first steps towards painting and himself was very charmed by it.
After graduating at the Art School of Syracuse, he begun his artistic path; in 1973 he performed his first exhibition and from that moment he carried out many collective and personal exhibitions. He has achieved numerous rewards and artistic acknowledgements.
Being a very active painter, he has produced many works; in his paintings he portrays his land in a fairy-tale setting. Those who look at his paintings have the impression of flipping through a book of fairy-tales, charmed by it for its poetic narration, its shapes and bright colours“Page after page” you are conveyed and involved in the world as seen by Claudio.
The brushstrokes and the strong tonal clashes seem to conspire in sucking the soul of the user that lets himself be wrapped by this magic and at the same time real world.